Friday, April 8, 2011

Fear or passion? Hell or Heaven?

As one of the unemployed, it seems to me that I have one of two choices:
  1. I can lament the loss of a steady income and be terrified of not surviving, trying in desperation to get a job--any job, or
  2. I can feel the freedom that not having a job--which I never liked anyway-- has given me, and I can focus on creating work that serves others and that I am passionate about.
I've read several articles today on the unemployed, and most of them follow the first choice. Woe to the unemployed, especially if they are over 50. They will never get a job! The Matrix that used them up and spit them out will not take them back in because they now have a scarlet letter (U) stamped on their forehead--they are unemployed. How insane is that? If you choose to focus on this reality, I guarantee you, you will be in hell. However there is much good luck in failure, if you approach it the sane way.

The sane way is to recognize that failure is serving a higher purpose (I write about this in my book, Not a Guru.) Being unplugged from the corporate matrix is freedom, especially if you are over 50, like me. The Universe (God, the Force, whatever you want to call it) is saying, "Come on. You've paid your dues. You've been a slave doing something you don't like just to survive. It's time to do something that you love. Life is suppose to be joyful." Some of the articles I read today are inspiring, like the woman who lost her job as a cake decorator and started her own business doing what she loves, creating parties for kids. Yes! We want more of these stories.

Having unplugged from the Matrix for the second time, I am focusing on my passion: writing, speaking, and supporting others in unplugging from the Matrix and creating a life of freedom. Yesterday I had a group at my house of six people supporting each other in unplugging. "How do you know that you have a Matrix job?" one member of the group asked. If you don't love your job, if it doesn't give you joy, if you are only doing it for the money, then you are plugged into the Matrix. As we are all transitioning to work that we love, we will need to find ways to pay the bills. In my case, editing books is supporting me in this time of transition. But the work has to be stress-free and allow enough time and energy to create the work you are passionate about.

And yes, you have to be willing to let go of security and have faith. There are times when I have only five dollars to my name. But as soon as I need something, the money miraculously appears--not a lot, but just enough to take care of my needs. Miracles are constantly happening, but they only happen when you take a leap of faith and follow your heart's desire. There are no miracles in the Matrix; there is only suffering.


gill said...

This post of yours is very helpful for one who is struggling with the same line of thinking. I have just watched the Universe support my son and his paramour: in the last three weeks, she got a job offer in Chetwynd, then her father found them a vehicle at a price they can afford (with a loan from a grandmother), then when they thought they were not going to be able to find an appartment they received a phone call and were offered one, and then to top it all off, two days ago, my son landed a job which was applied for over the Internet, so he still hasn't met his employer.

I admit to feeling a little envious of them as I struggle to make my Self accept my present circumstances of unemployment and slow cash flow, and continue to wait for Universe to direct me onwards.

While I do this, I want to state that I am not entirely idle as I help my Mum who is ninety years old and living on her own. Although I admit to not being passionate about helping her, I am finding the interaction to be positive for soul growth and some remarkable things are beginning to happen in our relationship and in my spiritual development as I assist her.

But I also admit, and I am not certain if this means I am still plugged into the Matrix, that I am feeling directionless and my state of idleness is causing me to want to "plug" back in. I think the real problem may be that I sometimes tend to get lonely and I haven't quite figured out how to overcome that. I am for the most part, perfectly happy to live by my Self and alone, with only my dog and cats for company. And I certainly don't want a relationship where I have to be somebody I am not in order to make it work. Nevertheless, there are times when I think it would be jolly nice to have some human company.

Oh well, enough ramblings for now.

Despina Gurlides said...

Wow! Your son is really the perfect example of how things work out when you trust.

I am also very familiar with that empty state of no-thingness, when nothing seems to be happening. I have a hard time with that.

Sometimes it's because I'm doing a lot of internal work. Sometimes it's just because it's not time yet to do anything. And sometimes it's because we have to take care of business, like taking care of mum. In this moment that's probably what you need to be doing.

I pray for guidance when I'm in that empty state, and at times get really angry with God--not that this helps.

Divine timing is definitely not my timing. But in hindsight I usually see how the delay has served.

As for loneliness, I've been praying for community. Lately it seems to be happening as I have a great new room mate, and I have started holding Thursday meetings at my house and meeting some great new people.

Hang in there! You're not the only one going through this transition. And you really are not alone.

Mark said...

This is always a great reminder. In reading this I'm reminded of a slogan from a religious group I belonged to years ago which says 'millions now living will never die' - but someone who has left that group turned it around and said 'millions now dying will never live.' After all what we're securing really amounts to this deadening lifestyle.

It's so strange that we become conditioned to think we need to know what to do, it's like we need to limit that freedom into something that's "known" instead of enjoying and being informed by the aliveness and having a sense of adventure about life.

Anonymous said...

Very rich dialogue, Despina. thank you for sharing it with me.

Re what Mark said: "It's so strange that we become conditioned to think we need to know what to do, it's like we need to limit that freedom into something that's "known" instead of enjoying and being informed by the aliveness and having a sense of adventure about life."

Several years ago I asked God what I was supposed to be doing and the answer came: "You're doing it." "That's too glib to be God" was my response. "If you're God you can do better than that." And then came the answer I knew did not come from my Self. "If I told you what you would be doing you would be overly concerned about how you were supposed to get from here to there." This I recognized as truly coming from Spirit. And it was true: had I been told what I was going to do in the future I would have been overwhelmed as they were things I had never done before -things that no one I knew had ever done before. So I have stopped asking. The present is perfect. Although my life is about service and I don't know how I am to serve (other than what comes along on my path) it is o.k. If there is a grand plan it will be revealed. If not, all is well and as it should be. I don't want to know the future as I am not yet prepared to create it.

Anonymous said...

4-30-11 Batja Response to Mark (4-9-11)
Very rich dialogue, Despina. thank you for sharing it with me.

Re what Mark said: "It's so strange that we become conditioned to think we need to know what to do, it's like we need to limit that freedom into something that's "known" instead of enjoying and being informed by the aliveness and having a sense of adventure about life."

Several years ago I asked God what I was supposed to be doing and the answer came: "You're doing it." "That's too glib to be God" was my response. "If you're God you can do better than that." And then came the answer I knew did not come from my Self: "If I told you what you would be doing you would be concerned about how you were supposed to get from here to there." This I recognized as truly coming from Spirit. And it was true: had I been told what I was going to do in the future I would have been overwhelmed as they were things I had never done before -things that no one I knew had ever done before. So I have stopped asking. The present is perfect. Although my life is about service and I don't know how I am to serve (other than what comes along on my path) it is o.k. If there is a grand plan it will be revealed. If not, all is well and as it should be. I don't want to know the future as I am not yet prepared to create it.